Observation date: May 22, 2022
Submitted by: jamesvonloh
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: From 2-5 scallopwings were perching and taking nutrients from moist soil and organic litter, damp rocks, and nectaring from water speedwell flowers (lavender-colored) growing in a moist drainage bottom supporting riparian trees and shrubs along the Pine Tree Trail, near Aquirre Springs Campground, on the east-facing slope of the Organ Mountains. These small butterflies ignored more numerous, yellow-colored Mimulus sp. flowers. The mid-day was overcast, windy, and with cool temperature, following a cool-to-cold night. Small cloud breaks occasionally allowed brighter conditions for photography.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: May 25, 2022
Coordinator notes: terrific, Jim; I borrowed one for BofNM. thank you!