Observation date: May 25, 2022
Submitted by: Gordon Berman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I hiked to Baylor Pass in the Organ Mts from the Aguirre Springs side. Other than a couple of cholla flowers, nothing else was in bloom. There was no water, seepage, or damp earth in any of the ravines crossed by the trail although Arizona sisters were typically drawn to oaks that hugged the ravines. The BF submitted was photographed from about 15’ while it was on the ground. I didn’t know if I was seeing pattern on the ventral hind wing or plant material. Marta Reece suggested the ID so I thought I’d submit it to get clarification. The only other BF was a yellow swallowtail, too far and too briefly seen to know which one. There were no BFs at the pass.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: May 26, 2022
Coordinator notes: thanks, Gordon. You Crucenos are really working hard for your BFs. I appreciate it. BTW, the AZ Sisters hang out in the oaks because that is their host plant.