Observation date: July 23, 2022
Submitted by: Luna-Linuche.76
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Hairstreak was feeding on Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), in a wildflower patch (Yarrow & Sulphur Buckwheat) just off Highway 140 (west of Lakeview, OR, east of Drews Gap). This hairstreak was the only one seen among a variety of other butterflies (sulphurs, wood nymphs & fritillaries). Temperature was 85 degrees F. Hot & sunny. Photo by R. Larson.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Paul Prappas
Verified date: December 14, 2022
Coordinator notes: Based on range, this either Callophrys gryenus nelsoni (Nelson's Hairstreak), or Callophrys gryneus plicataria (Cedar Hairstreak).