Observation date: August 23, 2022
Date notes: intermittent rain/sun, high 70's
Submitted by: joanfiller
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: None.
Status: Resident
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: August 23, 2022
Coordinator notes: Mostly a Red-spotted Purple - or subspecies “astyanax” - of Limenitis arthemis. The hint of a white band on the FW shows a slight intergrade/mix between the Red-spotted purple and White Admiral (subspecies “arthemis”). The Red-spotted Purple and White Admiral are technically the same species, with the White Admiral becoming more prevalent in the north, and the Red-spotted Purple in the south. New York is located in the transition zone between the two, where intergrade/mixed individuals can be found. -jmgesell