Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1341352

Old World Swallowtail
Papilio machaon

Observation date: August 27, 2022
Submitted by: twofried
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Slammed on the brakes but this butterfly never settled. I got a few poor flight shots - my apologies. Dorsal side, with more extensive yellow, resembled Giant Swallowtail in flight. Photos reveal abdomen and ventral side more consistent with Black Swallowtail (orange spots and iridescent blue highlights). Could this be a rudkini subspecies?
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: August 30, 2022
Coordinator notes: Bob, your hard-won pics are just helpful enough to call this Old World Swallowtail. Yellow shoulders, Rows of yellow dots on the abdomen. VHW postmedian yellow band has only a little orange. Red eyespot on the VHW is just visible enough to show black pupil meets yellow "iris" and the inner wing edge. Good work!
Checklist region(s): United States, New Mexico, Taos County

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