Observation date: May 31, 2023
Submitted by: Bob Jacobson
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: An iNat identifier suggested complex Sphinx gordius. BugGuide says only way to differentiate S. gordius and S. poecila is barcode.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ilona L.
Verified date: June 02, 2023
Coordinator notes: From MPG - "This is a variable species and, where their ranges overlap, is easily confused in photographs with Spinx gordius (Apple Sphinx). In well-marked specimens the fringes of the wings offer good clues to identification. In S. gordius the forewing fringes are mostly black with some white, and hindwing fringes are mostly white with some black patches. In S. poecila the forewing fringes are checkered black and white, while the hindwing fringes are almost totally white. See pinned specimens below." http://mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu/species.php?hodges=7810.1