Observation date: July 18, 2023
Submitted by: bshettler
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I was struck by 2 things; its very pale orange colouring and the well defined almost whitish dorsal submarginal spots and the large also well defined whitish median or postmedian spots.
I only managed one dorsal shot and did not have a ventral view. The closest match that I have found is a Callippe Fritillary. The eastern range seems reasonable in southwestern Manitoba. Kaufman has one picture that displays almost exactly the pale orange colouring and the old Audubon guide talks about the “silver spots of HW below show through as pale areas”. Audubon also says that it stops occasionally to take nectar from thistles. All that leads me to Callippe Frit.
I’m not sure this single dorsal view will be enough to support my conclusion.
Status: Resident
Verified by: chalicerae
Verified date: September 05, 2023
Coordinator notes: Though central view photos would further solidify ID, review of recent sightings across a range of resources does show near identical similarity. Historical specimens exist for the relative geographical area of sighting.