Observation date: July 26, 2023
Submitted by: ezeemonee
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Caught and released. On Tehachapi Mountain between 7-8K ft elevation. Partly cloudy day in the 80’s F. If Callippe, assuming ssp. Macaria. Many of the ones near the summit are small in size. Note the small size of the square-ish center discal cell on the underside of the hindwing which looks too small for Callippe. Makes me wonder if the now potentially extinct Tehachapi Silverspot (Argynnis egleis tehachapina) may have had some hybridization with Callippe in this area. (Argynnis callippe macaria)
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: August 04, 2023
Coordinator notes: Keep in mind Speyeria coronis hennei also occurs up there-Ken Davenport