Observation date: July 14, 2023
Submitted by: stevecary
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: several seen in various stages of wear; this worn individual shows its value as a pollinator
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: January 11, 2024
Coordinator notes: Depending on your point of view, in the odd year at higher altitude (>9000 ft.) is Oeneis calais altacordillera (=chryxus altacordillera). Mate location behavior is different between calais and chryxus and the latter flies only in even numbered years in Colorado. Genomics shows some difference but evidently to close to confirm calais a separate species-level taxon but the behavior mentioned is different and I have found both together in the even year at one site in Park County, Colorado. Confusing? See Papilio (New Series) #12 and Scott's P-27 for more info on specific character differences...seems like I may have run this past you before? Mike