Sighting 1375337
Reakirt's Blue
Echinargus isola
Observation date: July 22, 2023
Submitted by: steinm
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: The banks of the creek were primarily composed of an overstory of Betula occidentalis (Water Birch) and Salix lutea (Yellow Willow), with an understory largely dominated by Carex hystericina (Bottlebrush Sedge), Berula erecta (Cutleaf Water Parsnip), Verbena hastata (Blue Vervain), and Juncus torreyi (Torrey’s Rush).
Growing along the sides of the road were Eriogonum strictum (Blue Mountain Buckwheat), Grindelia squarrosa (Curlycup Gumweed), Sisymbrium altissimum (Tall Tumblemustard), and Verbascum thapsus (Great Mullein) in bloom.
The blue was not observed on any plant, only seen flitting about on wetted pebbles on the stream bank where Birch Creek Rd. intersects Birch Creek. Weather conditions sunny, warm/hot. Information also available on iNaturalist.
Status: Temporary Colonist
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: December 28, 2023
Coordinator notes: From its fresh condition, it must have come from a transient population. A very good record for Oregon. There was a huge outbreak on the Yosemite National Park butterfly count in California last July and I was there to see it.-Ken Davenport
Checklist region(s): United States, Oregon, Malheur County