Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1377080

White Checkered-Skipper
Burnsius albescens

Observation date: March 13, 2024
Submitted by: MAKI
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: None.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: March 13, 2024
Coordinator notes: There are no confirmed records using male genitalia or DNA that the Common Checkered Skipper in Los Angeles County but both can occur in Kern, Santa Barbara, SLO and Inyo Counties but the two are not separable from field marks. I had specimens from those other 4 counties confirmed by John F. Emmel and Paul Opler, unfortunately, both died recently.-Ken Davenport

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