Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1390074

Giant Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontes

Observation date: August 07, 2024
Submitted by: ngustafson313@g...
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: When I first saw the butterfly, it appeared to fly down from the higher trees to our garden at our house in Concord, MA. The butterfly flew around a bit and landed on our verbena bonariensis plants. I watched it fly flower to flower for about 15 minutes. I did not see it land on any other flowers/plants. Weather was overcast and in the mid 70s. I went back about 1/2 hour later to see if I could get a better photo, but did not see it again.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: August 07, 2024
Coordinator notes: I selected "unknown" for the residency status because I'm not certain if P. cresphontes is ever firmly established in New England. Certainly they're around; I saw a sighting recently from Ontario. But I don't know if they're a permanent resident. JRains

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