Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1390662

Colorado Hairstreak
Hypaurotis crysalus

Observation date: August 02, 2024
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: We saw a lot of small oak trees on the way to our campground site. We stopped along the roadside and found a couple surprises, this and Writing's. Hot and these would only hide in the shade. Wish we could seen the Dorsal side but seeing this for the first time was really great. A friend said he found them a week earlier by Salt Lake so we decided to take a quick look around. I did post a under side photo of one of the checkerspot that I posted not sure if it will help. Both were on small hill tops along the ridge by the campground. The checkerspots that is. The Colorado hairstreaks were hiding in small oak trees in the shade. A Quick shake sent them flying. By the way that they quickly returned to the same group of trees it made me think they are Males? Territorial? Saw at least two or three.
Status: Resident
Verified by: James Steen
Verified date: August 11, 2024
Coordinator notes: I've always loved these hairstreaks, but have never personally seen one in the wild. It would not surprise me they could be territorial as many species can be. This is subspecies Hypaurotis crysalus citima which is confined to oak scrub forests only in northern Utah. Thanks, James Steen
Checklist region(s): United States, Utah, Summit County

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