Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 740715

Variegated Skipper
Gorgythion begga

Observation date: November 17, 2007
Date notes: Photo dated
Submitted by: TCollins
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I was doing some census work at Riverside Nature Center and was taking a photo of a Bordered Patch feeding at one of the several Cowpen Daises that were in full bloom. As I focused on a very nice specimen, this butterfly landed a flower next to it. As I focused on this new bug, I was amazed to see a butterfly that I had never seen before. I proceeded to take several pictures as this very weak flying worked each of the Cowpen Daisies. I had no idea what species I was seeing and when I pulled my Glassberg books out, I could not see any match. I suspected it was a spreadwing skipper. I hurried home and found my Kaufman that I usually kept in the SUV. After looking though it, I decided to send my picture to a friend who is a member of the Southern Lepidopterist Society. It was with in a few minutes I got an excited call from him telling me I had found both a very rare and way out of range Variegated Skipper. This was the bug I had assumed, but was concerned to make that call due to the notes in the field guide stating its range and rarity. The weather was warm, sky was clear and the photo was just after lunch - 1235 hours although my camera time was off by 12 hours - setup error on my part. The obvious observation of this bug was the sawed off looking wings and the strong mottled appearance plus the very weak and very low flight (12 -24 inches off the ground). In my opinion this is probably the best photo of this bug you will have and perhaps should replace the Opler photo.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: kmortensen
Verified date: August 29, 2012
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): United States, Kerr County, Texas

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