Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 901594

'Northern' Southern Hairstreak
Satyrium favonius ontario

Observation date: June 01, 2013
Date notes: Late morning
Submitted by: gunhilda
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: This picture looks more clearly like the Southern Oak Hairstreak as presented in my guidebook. It was the correct size, etc. Hindwing blue spot is clearly capped with red, and it doesn't have the long tail above the orange/black spot. Feeding on privet bush on a mild, sunny day after several days of high winds, high humidity, torrential rains, hail, and destructive storms.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stomlins701
Verified date: June 20, 2013
Coordinator notes: I note that BAMONA still separates S. favonius from S. favonius ontario, the latter of which this sighting appears to be. However, in Opler/Malikul's "Eastern Butterflies", they describe the two togther, with the western (which this would be) and northern populations being subsp. ontario (with the orange cap). However, I noted that while most of the verified sighting photos on BAMONA of nominate favonius do not have the orange cap, some do--and not surprisingly one is from TX and the other from northern GA(the western and northern populations). Specimens from FL and southern GA do not have the orange cap on the blue blotch. I will contact Kelly Lotts to find out what is the correct taxonomy now, and if the two are now considered S. favonius, the two databases for favonius and favonius ontario be merged.
Checklist region(s): United States, Oklahoma, Payne County

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