Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Hesitant Dagger Moth
Acronicta modica (Walker, 1856)

Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Acronictinae
Identification: Forewing medium gray with AM and PM line usually conspicuously double; basal dash thick but usually not touching small blackish blotch at middle of AM line; hindwing grayish-brown
Wing Span: 3.0-4.3 cm
Life History: Two generations per year in the south; one in the north
Flight: April to August or September; peak numbers in June and July
Caterpillar Hosts: Leaves of Red Oak and White Oak
Adult Food:
Range: Nova Scotia to South Carolina, west to Texas, north to Ontario
Management Needs:
Comments: NULL
Taxonomy Notes: Now regarded as Acronicta modica (Walker, 1856)as a synonym of 9245 Acronicta haesitata (Grote, 1882) in Schmidt & Anweiler (2020), MONA Fascicle 25.4: 147. Specimens previously identified as Acronicta modica refer to 9242.1 Acronicta immodica Schmidt & Anweiler, 2020, n. sp., MONA Fascicle 25.4: 145.
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