Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Autumnal Moth
Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen, 1794)

Family: Geometridae
Subfamily: Larentiinae
Identification: forewing pale gray or whitish, crossed by two darker bands of connected semicircles or scalloped loops (bands sometimes pale, showing little contrast against ground color); terminal line a series of dark DOUBLE dots -- a distinctive feature; lacks dull yellowish scaling along costa; hindwing paler, "washed out", lines less distinct, but terminal line usually visible as a series of dark double dots
Wing Span: 2.5-3.6 cm
Life History:
Flight: September and October
Caterpillar Hosts: a variety of conifers as well as alder, willow, birch, and poplar
Adult Food:
Habitat: coniferous and mixed woods; treed flood plains containing alder and willow
Range: coast to coast in southern Canada and northern United States, south in the west to California also occurs throughout Eurasia
Management Needs:
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