Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Leucania dia (Grote, 1879)

Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Noctuinae
Identification: A common and widespread small to medium-sized streaky gray-brown and tan moth with a pale veins, a postmedial line of short black lines on the veins arranged in a smooth arc, and a gray hindwing. The forewing ground color is gray-brown. Somewhat patchy gray-tan is present across the posterior wing below the cubital vein and as an oblique streak to the apex. A thin black basal dash is present posterior to the cubital vein. The cubital vein is white and the rest of the veins are mostly pale gray resulting in a pale streaked costa and pale lines on the distal wing. A brown line is present in each interspace on the distal wing producing a finely streaked appearance. The postmedial line is a series of short black lines on the veins, smoothly curved toward the outer margin. The terminal line is comprised of smaller black dots. The fringe is gray-brown traversed by light lines at the ends of the veins. The hindwing is medium-dark gray with darker gray margin and veins. The hindwing fringe is white with a light tan
Wing Span: 2.6-3.4 cm
Life History:
Flight: May to early August
Caterpillar Hosts: Poaceae.
Adult Food:
Range: The global range of L. dia is not well known due to confusion with L. insueta. It occurs widely in the West, including in Alberta, the Rocky Mountains, and California.
Management Needs:
Taxonomy Notes: None.
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