Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Hawaiian Beet Webworm
Spoladea recurvalis (Fabricius, 1775)

Family: Crambidae
Subfamily: Pyraustinae
Identification: Forewing dark brown or gray with broad white median band beginning at inner margin and terminating in "fish-hook" shape before reaching costa; broad white PM band beginning at costa and terminating part-way across wing, with three white spots beyond it; fringe of both wings with dark and light patches.
Wing Span: 1.9-2.4 cm.
Life History: Two generations per year.
Caterpillar Hosts: Beets, chard, spinach, and various weeds such as Amaranthus and Chenopodium species.
Adult Food:
Habitat: Gardens, fields, waste places.
Range: Ontario and New York to Florida, west through Texas to California, north to Illinois. Also occurs in Hawaii, the Neotropics, and many of the warmer regions of the world (Australia, Africa, southeast Asia), migrating north in late Summer.
Management Needs: Considered pests.
Comments: NULL
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