Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Intricate Satyr
Hermeuptychia intricata

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Satyrinae
Identification: Upperside is brown with no markings. Underside is brown; both wings have many small eyespots rimmed with yellow. The most consistent external diagnostic character is the lack of andraconial scales on the dorsal surface of the wings of males, unlike the closely related Hermeuptychia sosybius.
Wing Span: 3.2 – 3.8 cm
Life History:
Flight: Adults fly from spring through fall in the coastal Southeast, primarily April through October.
Caterpillar Hosts: Larvae feed on the fresh growth of forest grasses.
Adult Food: Sap and rotting fruit.
Habitat: Grassy clearings in woodlands, swamps, hammock forests, and dry sandhill scrub.
Range: Southeast US: east TX to central FL to coastal NC, predominantly below the fall-line on the Atlantic coast .
Conservation: Not usually required.
Management Needs:
Comments: This butterfly was only recently separated from the very similar Carolina Satyr, Hermeupychia sosybius.
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