Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Mossy Pseudobryomima Moth
Pseudobryomima muscosa (Hampson, 1906)

Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Noctuinae
Identification: Forewing dark gray mixed with greenish shading and white spots and speckling, giving an overall dark mottled appearance; three or four small white spots around reniform spot; AM and PM lines jagged, inconspicuous against ground color; subterminal line jagged, irregular, with slightly paler shading beyond it; hindwing dark brownish-gray, paler basally, with dark discal spot and pale yellowish fringe
Wing Span: about 2.7 cm
Life History:
Flight: Late summer in the north
Caterpillar Hosts: No information available
Adult Food:
Habitat: Coastal rainforests and mixed hardwood forests at low to high elevations
Range: British Columbia to California
Management Needs:
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