Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

New Virginia moth records

Thirteen Virginia moth records were added to the database: Agrius cingulatus (Henrico County, Sara Wisman), Antheraea polyphemus (Williamsburg City County, Gill Birtles), Antheraea polyphemus (Loudoun County, Elizabeth Ebert), Antheraea polyphemus (Norfolk City County, Thomas Hindsley), Automeris io (James City County, Poppy Hammond), Campaea perlata (Loudoun County, Joseph R. Ellis), Ceratomia catalpae (Greensville County, Tony Schiera), Eacles imperialis (Fairfax County, Woodydad), Eumorpha pandorus (Williamsburg City County, Woody Sanders), Euparthenos nubilis (Prince William County, Brenda Lebe), Hemaris thysbe (Hanover County, Pam Drew), Hemaris thysbe (Virginia Beach City County, Gina Coerse), and Manduca rustica (Prince Edward County, Charles Motter). (Downer-16Oct09)

New South Carolina butterfly and moth records

Nine South Carolina records were added to the database: Antheraea polyphemus (Horry County, Chris Fortier), Automeris io (Charleston County, Cheryl Mackey), Danaus gilippus (Georgetown County, Amy Weinmeister), Eacles imperialis (Richland County, John Williams), Limenitis arthemis (Georgetown County, Amy Weinmeister), Limenitis arthemis (Florence County, Terasa M. Young), Phyciodes tharos (Horry County, Lisa Nowakowski), Vanessa virginiensis (Spartanburg County, Diana Collier), and Xylophanes tersa (Horry County, Lisa Nowakowski). (Downer-16Oct09)

New Maryland moth records

Five Maryland moth records were added to the database: Actias luna (Howard County, Lance McKay, 2 separate dates), Eacles imperialis (Cecil County, Cheryl Bellin), Hemaris thysbe (Prince Georges County, Kim Kindred), and Manduca sexta (Baltimore County, Galen Wallace). (Downer-16Oct09)

New Massachusetts moth records

Five Massachusetts moth records were added to the database: Acronicta americana (Middlesex County, Gina Dubel), Apatelodes torrefacta (Bristol County, Claudia Rys), Euchaetes egle (Bristol County, Claudia Rys), Eumorpha pandorus (Essex County, Laurie McCannon), and Sphinx chersis (Norfolk County, David Larson). (Downer-16Oct09)

New Kentucky butterfly and moth records

Eleven Kentucky butterfly and moth records were added to the database. Menifee County records of Atrytone logan, Erynnis baptisiae, Erynnis horatius, Euphyes vestris, Hesperia leonardus, Hyles lineata, Noctua pronuba, Polites themistocles, Polites origenes, and Speyeria cybele were submitted by Rita S. Adkins, and one Papilio glaucus (Boyd County) was submitted by Marty O'Connor. (Downer-16Oct09)

New Indiana butterfly and moth records

Fourteen Indiana butterfly and moth records were added to the database: Actias luna (Marion County, Matt Grieser), Actias luna (Jackson County, Misty Hawkins), Apatelodes torrefacta (Henry County, Cindy Wright), Atteva punctella (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), Euchaetes egle (Lake County, Kathryn, Brian, and Helen Conran), Euchaetes egle (Clark County, David Calhoun), Eumorpha pandorus (LaPorte County, Vera), Eurytides marcellus (Clark County, David Calhoun), Hyphantria cunea (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), Manduca sexta (Marion County, Sarah E. Rubin), Parasa indetermina (Tippecanoe County, Nikki VanDerLaan), Prochoerodes lineola (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), Scopula limboundata (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), and Speyeria cybele (Clark County, David Calhoun). (Downer-16Oct09)