Regional Species Checklists
South Dakota, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 506 species from this region.
Hesperiidae Skippers
Epargyreus clarus Silver-spotted Skipper
Thorybes pylades Northern Cloudywing
Staphylus hayhurstii Hayhurst's Scallopwing
Erynnis icelus Dreamy Duskywing
Erynnis brizo Sleepy Duskywing
Erynnis juvenalis Juvenal's Duskywing
Erynnis horatius Horace's Duskywing
Erynnis martialis Mottled Duskywing
Erynnis afranius Afranius Duskywing
Erynnis persius Persius Duskywing
Pyrgus scriptura Small Checkered-Skipper
Burnsius communis Common Checkered-Skipper
Pholisora catullus Common Sootywing
Ancyloxypha numitor Least Skipper
Oarisma garita Garita Skipperling
Oarisma poweshiek Poweshiek Skipperling
Thymelicus lineola European Skipper
Hylephila phyleus Fiery Skipper
Hesperia uncas Uncas Skipper
Hesperia juba Juba Skipper
Hesperia assiniboia Plains Skipper
Hesperia colorado Western Branded Skipper
Hesperia ottoe Ottoe Skipper
Hesperia leonardus Leonard's Skipper
Hesperia pahaska Pahaska Skipper
Hesperia dacotae Dakota Skipper
Hesperia nevada Nevada Skipper
Atalopedes campestris Sachem
Polites rhesus Rhesus Skipper
Polites peckius Peck's Skipper
Polites themistocles Tawny-edged Skipper
Polites origenes Crossline Skipper
Polites mystic Long Dash
Wallengrenia egeremet Northern Broken-Dash
Pompeius verna Little Glassywing
Atrytone arogos Arogos Skipper
Anatrytone logan Delaware Skipper
Ochlodes sylvanoides Woodland Skipper
Poanes hobomok Hobomok Skipper
Poanes zabulon Zabulon Skipper
Poanes taxiles Taxiles Skipper
Poanes massasoit Mulberry Wing
Poanes viator Broad-winged Skipper
Euphyes vestris Dun Skipper
Euphyes bimacula Two-spotted Skipper
Euphyes dion Dion Skipper
Atrytonopsis hianna Dusted Skipper
Amblyscirtes oslari Oslar's Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes vialis Common Roadside-Skipper
NotAmblyscirtes simius Simius Roadside-Skipper
Lerodea eufala Eufala Skipper
Megathymus streckeri Strecker's Giant-Skipper
Papilionidae Parnassians and Swallowtails
Parnassius smintheus Rocky Mountain Parnassian
Battus philenor Pipevine Swallowtail
Neographium marcellus Zebra Swallowtail
Papilio machaon Old World Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes Black Swallowtail
Papilio zelicaon Anise Swallowtail
Papilio indra Indra Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio rutulus Western Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio eurymedon Pale Swallowtail
Papilio multicaudata Two-tailed Swallowtail
Papilio troilus Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontes Giant Swallowtail
Pieridae Whites and Sulphurs
Anthocharis stella Stella Orangetip
Euchloe ausonides Large Marble
Euchloe olympia Olympia Marble
Neophasia menapia Pine White
Pieris marginalis Margined White
Pieris oleracea Mustard White
Pieris rapae Cabbage White
Pontia protodice Checkered White
Pontia occidentalis Western White
Pontia sisymbrii Spring White
Ascia monuste Great Southern White
Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur
Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur
Colias christina Christina Sulphur
Colias alexandra Queen Alexandra's Sulphur
Zerene cesonia Southern Dogface
Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur
Phoebis agarithe Large Orange Sulphur
Eurema daira Barred Yellow
Eurema mexicana Mexican Yellow
Pyrisitia lisa Little Yellow
Abaeis nicippe Sleepy Orange
Nathalis iole Dainty Sulphur
Lycaenidae Gossamer-wing Butterflies
Feniseca tarquinius Harvester
Lycaena phlaeas American Copper
Lycaena dione Gray Copper
Lycaena hyllus Bronze Copper
Lycaena rubidus Ruddy Copper
Lycaena helloides Purplish Copper
Callophrys gryneus Juniper Hairstreak
Callophrys augustinus Brown Elfin
Callophrys polios Hoary Elfin
Callophrys eryphon Western Pine Elfin
Satyrium titus Coral Hairstreak
Satyrium acadica Acadian Hairstreak
Satyrium edwardsii Edwards' Hairstreak
Satyrium calanus Banded Hairstreak
Satyrium liparops Striped Hairstreak
Strymon melinus Gray Hairstreak
Leptotes marina Marine Blue
Cupido comyntas Eastern Tailed-Blue
Cupido amyntula Western Tailed-Blue
Celastrina ladon Spring Azure
Celastrina neglecta Summer Azure
Celastrina echo Echo Azure
Glaucopsyche piasus Arrowhead Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus Silvery Blue
Euphilotes ancilla Rocky Mountain Dotted-Blue
Echinargus isola Reakirt's Blue
Plebejus melissa Melissa Blue (includes Karner Blue)
Plebejus saepiolus Greenish Blue
Plebejus icarioides Boisduval's Blue
Plebejus shasta Shasta Blue
Plebejus lupini Lupine Blue
Plebejus glandon Arctic Blue
Riodinidae Metalmarks
Apodemia mormo Mormon Metalmark
Nymphalidae Brush-footed Butterflies
Libytheana carinenta American Snout
Danaus plexippus Monarch
Danaus gilippus Queen
Agraulis vanillae Gulf Fritillary
Euptoieta claudia Variegated Fritillary
Speyeria cybele Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria idalia Regal Fritillary
Speyeria edwardsii Edwards' Fritillary
Speyeria coronis Coronis Fritillary
Speyeria zerene Zerene Fritillary
Speyeria callippe Callippe Fritillary
Speyeria atlantis Atlantis Fritillary
Speyeria hesperis Northwestern Fritillary
Speyeria mormonia Mormon Fritillary
Boloria selene Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria bellona Meadow Fritillary
Limenitis arthemis Red-spotted Purple or White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis arthemis White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis astyanax 'Astyanax' Red-spotted Purple
Limenitis archippus Viceroy
Limenitis weidemeyerii Weidemeyer's Admiral
Asterocampa celtis Hackberry Emperor
Asterocampa clyton Tawny Emperor
Mestra amymone Common Mestra
Chlosyne nycteis Silvery Checkerspot
Chlosyne gorgone Gorgone Checkerspot
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Chlosyne acastus Sagebrush Checkerspot
Phyciodes pallida Pale Crescent
Phyciodes tharos Pearl Crescent
Phyciodes cocyta Northern Crescent
Phyciodes batesii Tawny Crescent
Phyciodes pulchella Field Crescent
Anthanassa texana Texan Crescent
Euphydryas chalcedona Chalcedon Checkerspot
Euphydryas anicia Anicia Checkerspot
Junonia coenia Common Buckeye
Polygonia interrogationis Question Mark
Polygonia comma Eastern Comma
Polygonia satyrus Satyr Comma
Polygonia faunus Green Comma
Polygonia gracilis Hoary Comma
Polygonia progne Gray Comma
Aglais milberti Milbert's Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis vaualbum Compton Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis antiopa Mourning Cloak
Nymphalis californica California Tortoiseshell
Vanessa virginiensis American Lady
Vanessa cardui Painted Lady
Vanessa annabella West Coast Lady
Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral
Anaea andria Goatweed Leafwing
Enodia anthedon Northern Pearly-eye
Satyrodes eurydice Eyed Brown
Coenonympha tullia Common Ringlet
Megisto cymela Little Wood-Satyr
Neominois ridingsii Ridings' Satyr
Oeneis uhleri Uhler's Arctic
Cercyonis pegala Common Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis meadii Mead's Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis oetus Small Wood-Nymph
Drepanidae Hooktip and False Owlet Moths
Habrosyne scripta Lettered Habrosyne
Euthyatira pudens Dogwood Thyatirid
Habrosyne gloriosa Glorious Habrosyne
Saturniidae Wild Silk Moths
Automeris io Io moth
Coloradia doris Doris' pinemoth
Coloradia pandora Pandora pinemoth
Hemileuca nevadensis Nevada buckmoth
Hemileuca hera Hera buckmoth
Hyalophora columbia Columbia silkmoth
Actias luna Luna moth
Antheraea polyphemus Polyphemus moth
Hyalophora cecropia Cecropia silkmoth
Syssphinx bicolor Bicolored honey locust moth
Sphingidae Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths
Sphinx chersis Great ash sphinx
Manduca quinquemaculata Five-spotted hawkmoth
Pachysphinx modesta Modest sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa Waved sphinx
Pachysphinx occidentalis Big poplar sphinx
Sphinx drupiferarum Wild cherry sphinx
Paonias myops Small-eyed sphinx
Amorpha juglandis Walnut sphinx
Smerinthus cerisyi One-eyed sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae Laurel sphinx
Paonias excaecata Blinded sphinx
Smerinthus jamaicensis Twin-spotted sphinx
Ceratomia amyntor Elm sphinx
Sphinx vashti Vashti sphinx
Hyles gallii Bedstraw hawkmoth
Sphecodina abbottii Abbott's sphinx
Hyles lineata White-lined Sphinx
Hyles euphorbiae Spurge hawkmoth
Aellopos titan Titan sphinx
Eumorpha pandorus Pandorus Sphinx
Amphion floridensis Nessus sphinx
Proserpinus juanita Juanita sphinx
Darapsa myron Virginia creeper sphinx
Eumorpha achemon Achemon sphinx
Hemaris diffinis Snowberry Clearwing
Notodontidae Prominents
Gluphisia septentrionis Common Gluphisia
Nadata gibbosa White-dotted Prominent
Pheosia rimosa Black-rimmed Prominent
Furcula borealis White Furcula
Lochmaeus manteo Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth
Furcula cinerea Gray Furcula
Lochmaeus bilineata Double-lined Prominent
Dasylophia anguina Black-Spotted Prominent
Schizura leptinoides Black-blotched Schizura
Schizura ipomoeae Morning-glory Prominent
Datana integerrima Walnut Caterpillar Moth
Odontosia elegans Elegant Prominent
Coelodasys unicornis Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Ellida caniplaga Linden Prominent
Heterocampa subrotata Small Heterocampa
Datana perspicua Spotted Datana
Symmerista leucitys Orange-humped Mapleworm
Noctuidae Owlet Moths, Miller Moths
Ponometia candefacta Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth
Tarache augustipennis Narrow-winged Midget Moth
Leuconycta diphteroides Green Leuconycta
Acronicta insularis Henry's Marsh Moth
Acronicta americana American Dagger Moth
Harrisimemna trisignata Harris' Three Spot
Acronicta interrupta Interrupted Dagger Moth
Stiria rugifrons Yellow Sunflower Moth
Galgula partita The Wedgling
Amphipoea americana American Ear Moth
Apamea sordens finitima Bordered Apamea
Papaipema arctivorens Northern Burdock Borer Moth
Plagiomimicus spumosum Frothy Moth
Crambodes talidiformis Verbena Moth
Amphipyra pyramidoides Copper Underwing
Dypterygia rozmani American Bird-wing Moth
Cucullia speyeri Speyer's Hooded Owlet
Cucullia asteroides The Asteroid
Psaphida rolandi Roland's Sallow
Feralia comstocki Comstock's Sallow
Pseudeustrotia carneola Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Maliattha synochitis Black-dotted Maliattha
Trichoplusia ni Cabbage Looper Moth
Megalographa biloba Bilobed Looper Moth
Anagrapha falcifera Celery Looper Moth
Tricholita signata Signate Quaker
Sideridis rosea The Rosewing
Mesapamea fractilinea Broken-lined Brocade
Orthosia rubescens Ruby Quaker
Lacinipolia renigera Bristly Cutworm Moth
Melanchra adjuncta Hitched Arches
Leucania multilinea Many-lined Wainscot
Mythimna unipuncta Armyworm Moth
Orthodes cynica Cynical Quaker
Bellura obliqua Cattail Borer Moth
Apamea devastator Glassy Cutworm
Euxoa auxiliaris Army Cutworm
Helotropha reniformis Reniform Celaena Moth
Apamea amputatrix Yellow-headed Cutworm Moth
Noctua pronuba European Yellow Underwing
Euxoa scandens White Cutworm
Euxoa tessellata Tessellate Dart
Caradrina montana Civil Rustic
Ochropleura implecta American Flame-shouldered Dart
Euxoa obeliscoides Obelisk Dart Moth
Peridroma saucia Variegated Cutworm Moth
Agrotis ipsilon Ipsilon Dart
Feltia jaculifera Dingy Cutworm Moth
Bellura densa Pickerelweed Borer Moth
Striacosta albicosta Western Bean Cutworm
Raphia abrupta Abrupt Brother
Helicoverpa zea Corn Earworm Moth
Heliothis subflexa Subflexus Straw
Schinia septentrionalis Northern Flower Moth
Schinia rivulosa Ragweed Flower Moth
Schinia bina Bina Flower Moth
Chloridea virescens Tobacco Budworm Moth
Schinia saturata Brown Flower Moth
Schinia lucens Leadplant Flower Moth
Schinia arcigera Arcigera Flower Moth
Schinia gaurae Clouded Crimson
Alypia octomaculata Eight-spotted Forester
Eudryas grata Beautiful Wood-nymph
Alypia langtoni Langston's Forester
Eudryas unio Pearly Wood-nymph
Ogdoconta cinereola Common Pinkband
Erebidae Erebid Moths
Apantesis arge Arge Tiger Moth
Hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm Moth
Grammia figurata Figured Tiger Moth
Spilosoma virginica Virginian Tiger Moth or Yellow Woolybear Moth
Lycomorpha pholus Black-and-yellow Lichen Moth
Hypoprepia miniata Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth
Apantesis phalerata Harnessed Moth
Platarctia parthenos St. Lawrence Tiger Moth
Virbia ferruginosa Rusty Holomelina
Halysidota tessellaris Banded Tussock Moth or Pale Tiger Moth
Hypoprepia fucosa Painted Lichen Moth
Phragmatobia fuliginosa Ruby Tiger Moth
Apantesis nais Nais Tiger Moth
Lophocampa maculata Spotted Tussock Moth or Yellow-Spotted Tiger Moth
Phragmatobia assimilans Large Ruby Tiger Moth
Grammia virguncula Little Tiger Moth
Virbia laeta Joyful Holomelina
Cycnia tenera Delicate Cycnia or Dogbane Tiger Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella Isabella Tiger Moth or Banded Woolybear
Grammia phyllira Phyllira Tiger Moth
Cycnia oregonensis Oregon Cycnia
Clemensia albata Little White Lichen Moth
Estigmene acrea Salt Marsh Moth or Acrea Moth
Haploa lecontei Leconte's Haploa
Eilema bicolor Bicolored Moth
Ctenucha virginica Virginia Ctenucha
Euchaetes egle Milkweed Tussock Moth or Milkweed Tiger Moth
Spilosoma congrua Agreeable Tiger Moth
Crambidia casta Pearly-Winged Lichen Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Hypercompe scribonia Great Leopard Moth
Grammia parthenice Parthenice Tiger Moth
Spilosoma dubia Dubious Tiger Moth
Idia lubricalis Glossy Black Idia Moth
Phalaenophana pyramusalis Dark-banded Owlet Moth
Lascoria ambigualis Ambiguous Moth
Hypena scabra Green Cloverworm Moth
Caenurgina erechtea Forage Looper Moth
Thysania zenobia Owl Moth
Zale minerea Colorful Zale
Catocala minuta Little Underwing
Catocala parta Mother Underwing
Catocala ultronia Ultronia Underwing
Catocala ilia Ilia Underwing
Catocala micronympha Little Nymph Underwing
Ascalapha odorata Black Witch
Catocala umbrosa Umbrosa Underwing Moth
Phoberia atomaris Common Oak Moth
Isogona tenuis Thin-lined Owlet
Catocala amestris Three-staffed Underwing
Catocala amatrix Sweetheart Underwing
Catocala meskei Meske's Underwing
Euclidia cuspidea Toothed Somberwing
Scoliopteryx libatrix The Herald
Catocala illecta Magdalen Underwing
Catocala luciana Luciana Underwing
Zale galbanata Maple Zale
Melipotis jucunda Merry Melipotis
Catocala epione Epione Underwing
Rivula propinqualis Spotted Grass Moth
Orgyia antiqua Rusty Tussock Moth
Euteliidae Euteliid Moths
Marathyssa inficita Dark Marathyssa Moth
Oecophoridae Concealer Moths
Elachistidae Grass Miner Moths
Cossidae Cossid Moths, Carpenter Moths
Prionoxystus robiniae Carpenterworm Moth
Acossus centerensis Poplar Carpenterworm Moth
Tortricidae Tortricid Moths
Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth
Zygaenidae Zygaenid Moths
Harrisina americana Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Limacodidae Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths
Lithacodes fasciola Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Crambidae Crambid Snout Moths
Euchromius californicalis California Grass-veneer Moth
Crambus praefectellus Common Grass-veneer Moth
Thaumatopsis pexellus Wooly Grass-veneer
Pediasia trisecta Sod Webworm Moth
Evergestis pallidata Purple-backed Cabbageworm
Mimoschinia rufofascialis Rufous-banded Crambid Moth
Spoladea recurvalis Hawaiian Beet Webworm
Pyrausta orphisalis Orange Mint Moth
Nomophila nearctica Lucerne Moth
Hymenia perspectalis Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
Udea rubigalis Celery Leaftier Moth
Ostrinia nubilalis European Corn Borer Moth
Sitochroa chortalis Dimorphic Sitochroa Moth
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Plodia interpunctella Indian-Meal Moth
Pyralis farinalis Meal Moth
Pterophoridae Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths
Emmelina monodactyla Morning-glory Plume Moth
Geometridae Geometer Moths, Looper Moths
Prochoerodes lineola Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Heliomata cycladata Common Spring Moth
Lycia ursaria Stout Spanworm
Macaria bisignata Red-headed inchworm
Macaria subcessaria Barred Itame
Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray
Digrammia continuata Curve-lined Angle
Plataea trilinearia Sagebrush Girdle Moth
Speranza ribearia Currant Spanworm Moth
Nematocampa resistaria Horned Spanworm Moth
Eutrapela clemataria Curved-Toothed Geometer
Ectropis crepuscularia The Small Engrailed
Caripeta aequaliaria Western Conifer Looper
Tetracis cachexiata White Slant-line
Epelis truncataria Black-Banded Orange
Phaeoura mexicanaria Pine Looper
Pero honestaria Honest Pero
Iridopsis ephyraria Pale-winged Gray
Isturgia dislocaria Pale-viened Enconista
Ennomos magnaria Maple Spanworm
Metanema inatomaria Pale Metanema
Erannis tiliaria Linden Looper Moth
Mellilla xanthometata Orange Wing Moth
Mesothea incertata Day Emerald
Synchlora aerata Wavy-Lined Emerald
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria Blackberry Looper Moth
Xanthorhoe ferrugata Red Twin-spot
Eubaphe mendica The Beggar
Antepirrhoe semiatrata Black-banded Carpet Moth
Hydriomena renunciata Renounced Hydriomena Moth
Eulithis diversilineata Lesser Grapevine Looper Moth
Alsophila pometaria Fall Cankerworm Moth
Scopula inductata Soft-lined Wave
Haematopis grataria Chickweed Geometer
Scopula quadrilineata Four-lined Wave Moth