Regional Species Checklists
Hancock County, Maine, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 404 species from this region.
Hesperiidae Skippers
Epargyreus clarus Silver-spotted Skipper
Thorybes pylades Northern Cloudywing
Erynnis icelus Dreamy Duskywing
Erynnis juvenalis Juvenal's Duskywing
Carterocephalus palaemon Arctic Skipper
Ancyloxypha numitor Least Skipper
Thymelicus lineola European Skipper
Hesperia comma Common Branded Skipper
Hesperia leonardus Leonard's Skipper
Hesperia sassacus Indian Skipper
Polites peckius Peck's Skipper
Polites themistocles Tawny-edged Skipper
Polites origenes Crossline Skipper
Polites mystic Long Dash
Wallengrenia egeremet Northern Broken-Dash
Anatrytone logan Delaware Skipper
Poanes hobomok Hobomok Skipper
Euphyes vestris Dun Skipper
Euphyes bimacula Two-spotted Skipper
Amblyscirtes hegon Pepper and Salt Skipper
Amblyscirtes vialis Common Roadside-Skipper
Papilionidae Parnassians and Swallowtails
Battus philenor Pipevine Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes Black Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Pieridae Whites and Sulphurs
Pieris oleracea Mustard White
Pieris rapae Cabbage White
Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur
Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur
Colias interior Pink-edged Sulphur
Pyrisitia lisa Little Yellow
Lycaenidae Gossamer-wing Butterflies
Feniseca tarquinius Harvester
Lycaena phlaeas American Copper
Lycaena hyllus Bronze Copper
Lycaena epixanthe Bog Copper
Callophrys augustinus Brown Elfin
Callophrys polios Hoary Elfin
Callophrys henrici Henry's Elfin
Callophrys niphon Eastern Pine Elfin
Callophrys lanoraieensis Bog Elfin
Satyrium edwardsii Edwards' Hairstreak
Satyrium calanus Banded Hairstreak
Satyrium liparops Striped Hairstreak
Strymon melinus Gray Hairstreak
Erora laeta Early Hairstreak
Cupido comyntas Eastern Tailed-Blue
Celastrina lucia Northern Azure
Celastrina neglecta Summer Azure
Glaucopsyche lygdamus Silvery Blue
Plebejus saepiolus Greenish Blue
Nymphalidae Brush-footed Butterflies
Danaus plexippus Monarch
Speyeria cybele Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria idalia Regal Fritillary
Speyeria atlantis Atlantis Fritillary
Boloria selene Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria bellona Meadow Fritillary
Limenitis arthemis Red-spotted Purple or White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis arthemis White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis astyanax 'Astyanax' Red-spotted Purple
Limenitis archippus Viceroy
Chlosyne nycteis Silvery Checkerspot
Chlosyne harrisii Harris' Checkerspot
Phyciodes tharos Pearl Crescent
Phyciodes cocyta Northern Crescent
Euphydryas phaeton Baltimore Checkerspot
Junonia coenia Common Buckeye
Polygonia interrogationis Question Mark
Polygonia comma Eastern Comma
Polygonia faunus Green Comma
Polygonia progne Gray Comma
Aglais milberti Milbert's Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis vaualbum Compton Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis antiopa Mourning Cloak
Vanessa virginiensis American Lady
Vanessa cardui Painted Lady
Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral
Enodia anthedon Northern Pearly-eye
Satyrodes eurydice Eyed Brown
Coenonympha tullia Common Ringlet
Megisto cymela Little Wood-Satyr
Oeneis jutta Jutta Arctic
Cercyonis pegala Common Wood-Nymph
Drepanidae Hooktip and False Owlet Moths
Drepana arcuata Arched Hooktip
Saturniidae Wild Silk Moths
Hemileuca lucina New England buckmoth
Automeris io Io moth
Actias luna Luna moth
Callosamia promethea Promethea silkmoth
Antheraea polyphemus Polyphemus moth
Hyalophora cecropia Cecropia silkmoth
Hyalophora columbia Columbia silkmoth
Dryocampa rubicunda Rosy maple moth
Anisota virginiensis Pink-striped oakworm moth
Sphingidae Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths
Lintneria eremitus Hermit sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae Laurel sphinx
Dolba hyloeus Pawpaw sphinx
Lapara bombycoides Northern pine sphinx
Manduca quinquemaculata Five-spotted hawkmoth
Pachysphinx modesta Modest sphinx
Sphinx poecila Poecila sphinx
Paonias excaecata Blinded sphinx
Paonias myops Small-eyed sphinx
Smerinthus cerisyi One-eyed sphinx
Smerinthus jamaicensis Twin-spotted sphinx
Sphinx canadensis Canadian sphinx
Sphinx chersis Great ash sphinx
Sphinx drupiferarum Wild cherry sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa Waved sphinx
Darapsa choerilus (pholus) Azalea Sphinx
Hyles lineata White-lined Sphinx
Eumorpha pandorus Pandorus Sphinx
Hemaris diffinis Snowberry Clearwing
Aellopos titan Titan sphinx
Hemaris gracilis Slender clearwing
Amphion floridensis Nessus sphinx
Hemaris thysbe Hummingbird Clearwing
Hyles gallii Bedstraw hawkmoth
Notodontidae Prominents
Datana angusii Angus's Datana
Schizura apicalis Plain Schizura
Ianassa lignicolor White-Streaked Prominent
Heterocampa umbrata White-blotched Heterocampa
Nadata gibbosa White-dotted Prominent
Schizura badia Chestnut Schizura
Clostera albosigma Sigmoid Prominent
Peridea ferruginea Chocolate Prominent
Coelodasys unicornis Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Pheosia rimosa Black-rimmed Prominent
Heterocampa guttivitta Saddled Prominent
Schizura leptinoides Black-blotched Schizura
Schizura ipomoeae Morning-glory Prominent
Odontosia elegans Elegant Prominent
Cecrita biundata Wavy-lined Heterocampa
Oedemasia concinna Red-humped Caterpillar Moth
Peridea angulosa Angulose Prominent
Gluphisia septentrionis Common Gluphisia
Noctuidae Owlet Moths, Miller Moths
Acronicta noctivaga Night-wandering Dagger Moth
Protodeltote muscosula Large Mossy Lithacodia
Leuconycta diphteroides Green Leuconycta
Acronicta ovata Ovate Dagger Moth
Acronicta americana American Dagger Moth
Acronicta oblinita Smeared Dagger Moth
Acronicta impleta Yellow-haired Dagger Moth
Acronicta vulpina Miller Dagger Moth
Acronicta superans Splendid Dagger Moth
Acronicta insita Fingered Dagger Moth
Acronicta lobeliae Lobelia Dagger Moth
Acronicta increta Raspberry Bud Dagger Moth
Acronicta afflicta Afflicted Dagger Moth
Phlogophora iris Olive Angle Shades
Oligia minuscula Small Brocade
Balsa tristrigella Three-lined Balsa
Nedra ramosula Gray Half-Spot
Elaphria alapallida Pale-winged Midget
Hyppa xylinoides Common Hyppa
Callopistria cordata Silver-spotted Fern Moth
Chytonix palliatricula Cloaked Marvel
Xylotype arcadia Acadian Sallow
Feralia comstocki Comstock's Sallow
Pseudeustrotia carneola Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Charadra deridens The Laugher
Panthea acronyctoides Black Zigzag
Panthea furcilla Eastern Panthea
Chrysanympha formosa Formosa Looper Moth
Syngrapha alias Hooked Silver Y
Feralia major Major Sallow
Orthosia hibisci Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth
Morrisonia confusa Confused Woodgrain
Polia purpurissata Purple Arches
Elaphria versicolor Variegated Midget
Mythimna unipuncta Armyworm Moth
Morrisonia evicta Bicolored Woodgrain
Crocigrapha normani Norman's Quaker
Lacinipolia renigera Bristly Cutworm Moth
Nephelodes minians Bronzed Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia anguina Snaky Arches
Morrisonia latex Fluid Arches
Orthodes cynica Cynical Quaker
Sideridis maryx The Maroonwing
Melanchra adjuncta Hitched Arches
Orthosia revicta Subdued Quaker
Oligia strigilis Marbled Minor
Noctua pronuba European Yellow Underwing
Apamea amputatrix Yellow-headed Cutworm Moth
Lemmeria digitalis Fingered Lemmeria
Bellura vulnifica Black-tailed Diver
Phlogophora periculosa Brown Angle Shades
Xestia normaniana Norman's Dart
Eueretagrotis attenta Attentive Dart
Cosmia calami American dun-bar Moth
Xestia dilucida Dull Reddish Dart
Feltia herilis Master's Dart
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea Pink-spotted Dart
Apamea indocilis Ignorant Apamea
Feltia jaculifera Dingy Cutworm Moth
Xestia smithii Smith's Dart
Euxoa messoria Reaper Dart
Ochropleura implecta American Flame-shouldered Dart
Peridroma saucia Variegated Cutworm Moth
Raphia frater The Brother Moth
Erebidae Erebid Moths
Lophocampa caryae Hickory Tussock Moth or Hickory Tiger Moth
Euchaetes egle Milkweed Tussock Moth or Milkweed Tiger Moth
Crambidia pallida Pale Lichen Moth
Cycnia tenera Delicate Cycnia or Dogbane Tiger Moth
Virbia ferruginosa Rusty Holomelina
Lycomorpha pholus Black-and-yellow Lichen Moth
Halysidota tessellaris Banded Tussock Moth or Pale Tiger Moth
Virbia lamae Bog Holomelina
Apantesis virgo Virgin Tiger Moth
Hypoprepia fucosa Painted Lichen Moth
Hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm Moth
Crambidia casta Pearly-Winged Lichen Moth
Spilosoma virginica Virginian Tiger Moth or Yellow Woolybear Moth
Spilosoma congrua Agreeable Tiger Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella Isabella Tiger Moth or Banded Woolybear
Eilema bicolor Bicolored Moth
Grammia virguncula Little Tiger Moth
Ctenucha virginica Virginia Ctenucha
Chytolita morbidalis Morbid Owlet Moth
Lascoria ambigualis Ambiguous Moth
Renia flavipunctalis Yellow-spotted Renia Moth
Idia americalis American Idia Moth
Idia aemula Common Idia Moth
Idia rotundalis Rotund Idia Moth
Zanclognatha ochreipennis Wavy-lined Zanclognatha Moth
Spargaloma sexpunctata Six-spotted Gray Moth
Catocala antinympha Sweetfern Underwing
Caenurgina crassiuscula Clover Looper Moth
Zale horrida Horrid Zale
Catocala gracilis Graceful Underwing
Zale minerea Colorful Zale
Catocala sordida Sordid Underwing
Catocala ilia Ilia Underwing
Parallelia bistriaris Maple Looper Moth
Scoliopteryx libatrix The Herald
Euparthenos nubilis Locust Underwing
Catocala ultronia Ultronia Underwing
Zale helata Brown-spotted Zale
Catocala coccinata Scarlet Underwing
Panopoda rufimargo Red-lined Panopoda
Pangrapta decoralis Decorated Owlet
Orgyia antiqua Rusty Tussock Moth
Orgyia leucostigma White-marked Tussock Moth
Dasychira obliquata Streaked Tussock Moth
Dasychira plagiata Northern Pine Tussock Moth
Euproctis chrysorrhoea Browntail Moth
Nolidae Tuft Moths
Nola triquetrana Three-spotted Nola Moth
Meganola minuscula Confused Meganola
Psychidae Psychids, Bagworm Moths
Psyche casta Common Bagworm Moth
Elachistidae Grass Miner Moths
Machimia tentoriferella Gold-striped Leaftier Moth
Psilocorsis quercicella Oak Leaftier Moth
Psilocorsis reflexella Dotted Leaftier Moth
Bibarrambla allenella Bog Bibarrambla Moth
Momphidae Momphid Moths
Gelechiidae Twirler Moths
Metzneria lappella Burdock Seedhead Moth
Cossidae Cossid Moths, Carpenter Moths
Acossus centerensis Poplar Carpenterworm Moth
Tortricidae Tortricid Moths
Apotomis capreana Sallow Apotomis Moth
Eucopina tocullionana White Pine Cone Borer
Eucosma ochroterminana Buff-tipped Phaneta Moth
Ecdytolopha punctidiscana Dotted Ecdytolopha Moth
Cydia latiferreana Filbertworm Moth
Choristoneura pinus Jack Pine Budworm Moth
Archips cerasivorana Ugly-nest Caterpillar Moth
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana Oak Leafroller
Argyrotaenia pinatubana Pine Tube Moth
Clepsis persicana White Triangle Tortrix
Argyrotaenia mariana Gray-banded Leafroller
Argyrotaenia velutinana Red Banded Leafroller Moth
Cenopis reticulatana Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth
Sparganothis tristriata Three-streaked Sparganothis Moth
Platynota exasperatana Exasperating Platynota
Syndemis afflictana Gray Leafroller
Sparganothis sulfureana Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth
Limacodidae Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths
Tortricidia testacea Warm-chevroned Moth
Apoda biguttata Shagreened Slug Moth
Crambidae Crambid Snout Moths
Parapoynx allionealis Watermilfoil Leafcutter Moth
Microcrambus elegans Elegant Grass-veneer
Crambus bidens Forked Grass-veneer
Pantographa limata Linden-Leafroller Moth
Palpita magniferalis Splendid Palpita
Anania funebris White Spotted Sable Moth
Diaphania nitidalis Pickleworm Moth
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Oneida lunulalis Orange-tufted Oneida Moth
Pococera expandens Double-humped Pococera Moth
Aphomia sociella Bee Moth
Pterophoridae Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths
Geometridae Geometer Moths, Looper Moths
Campaea perlata Pale Beauty
Eutrapela clemataria Curved-Toothed Geometer
Protitame virginalis Virgin moth
Iridopsis vellivolata Large Purplish Gray
Metanema inatomaria Pale Metanema
Caripeta angustiorata Brown Pine Looper
Protoboarmia porcelaria Porcelain Gray
Petrophora subaequaria Northern Petrophora
Caripeta piniata Northern Pine Looper Moth
Nepytia canosaria False Hemlock Looper Moth
Tetracis cachexiata White Slant-line
Melanolophia signataria Signate Melanolophia
Caripeta divisata Gray Spruce Looper
Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray
Lambdina fiscellaria Hemlock Looper
Euchlaena irraria Least-marked Euchlaena
Speranza pustularia Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Plagodis phlogosaria Straight-lined Plagodis
Besma quercivoraria Oak Besma
Homochlodes fritillaria Pale Homochlodes
Melanolophia canadaria Canadian melanolophia
Macaria fissinotata Hemlock Angle
Macaria minorata Minor Angle Moth
Tacparia detersata Pale Alder Moth
Plagodis alcoolaria Hollow-spotted Plagodis
Aethalura intertexta Four-barred Gray
Biston betularia Pepper and Salt Geometer
Macaria notata Birch Angle
Ectropis crepuscularia The Small Engrailed
Pero morrisonaria Morrison's Pero
Tetracis crocallata Yellow Slant-line
Hesperumia sulphuraria Sulphur Moth
Macaria aemulataria Common Angle
Hethemia pistasciaria Pistachio Emerald
Nemoria bistriaria Red-fringed Emerald
Nemoria rubrifrontaria Red-fronted Emerald
Eupithecia palpata Small Pine Looper Moth
Venusia comptaria Brown-shaded Carpet
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria The Bent-line Carpet
Lobophora nivigerata Powdered Bigwing
Aplocera plagiata Treble-bar Moth
Epirrhoe alternata White-banded Toothed Carpet
Thera juniperata Juniper Carpet
Anticlea multiferata Many-lined Carpet
Pasiphila rectangulata Green Pug
Euphyia intermediata Sharp-angled Carpet
Hydriomena perfracta Shattered Hydriomena
Orthonama obstipata The Gem
Operophtera bruceata The Bruce Spanworm
Cladara limitaria Mottled Gray Carpet
Ecliptopera silaceata Small Phoenix
Eulithis explanata White Eulithis
Anticlea vasiliata Variable Carpet
Eupithecia ravocostaliata Tawny Pug Moth
Hydriomena renunciata Renounced Hydriomena Moth
Scopula quadrilineata Four-lined Wave Moth
Scopula limboundata Large Lace-border
Cyclophora pendulinaria Sweetfern Geometer
Idaea dimidiata Single-dotted Wave
Lasiocampidae Lasiocampid Moths
Phyllodesma americana Lappet Moth
Malacosoma americanum Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Malacosoma disstria Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth