Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

White-lined Sphinx
Hyles lineata (Fabricius, 1775)

Family: Sphingidae
Subfamily: Macroglossinae
Identification: Upperside of forewing is dark olive brown with paler brown along the costa and outer margin, a narrow tan band running from the wing tip to the base, and white streaks along the veins. Hindwing upperside is black with a reddish pink median band.
Wing Span: 2 7/16 - 3 9/16 inches (6.3 - 9 cm).
Life History: Adults usually fly at dusk, during the night, and at dawn, but they will also fly during the day. Caterpillars pupate in shallow burrows in the ground. Massive population buildups occur which stimulate emigrations to colonize more northern areas.
Flight: . Two broods from February-November.
Caterpillar Hosts: A great diversity of plants including willow weed (Epilobium), four o'clock (Mirabilis), apple (Malus), evening primrose (Oenothera), elm (Ulmus), grape (Vitis), tomato (Lycopersicon), purslane (Portulaca), and Fuchsia.
Adult Food: Nectar from a variety of flowers including columbines, larkspurs, petunia, honeysuckle, moonvine, bouncing bet, lilac, clovers, thistles, and Jimson weed.
Habitat: A wide variety of open habitats including deserts, suburbs, and gardens.
Range: Central America north through Mexico and the West Indies to most of the United States and southern Canada. Also occurs in Eurasia and Africa.
Conservation: Not usually required.
NCGR: G5 - Demonstrably secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
Management Needs: Occasional outbreaks of caterpillars have damaged tomatoes, grapes, and garden crops in Utah.
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