Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

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This interface is designed to let users explore the Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) database.

Please note that any use of BAMONA data is subject to the project's Terms of Use, which includes the BAMONA Data Use and Attribution Policy. Please review this policy.

Scientists who wish to create a custom query and downloadable dataset can contact us to request a data scientist account. Additional fields are stored in the database but are not displayed here.

full or partial, scientific or common name
regions are joined with an AND operator
E.g., September 02, 2024
E.g., September 02, 2024
Displaying 1 - 500 of 1237
Record Number Scientific Name Observation Date Verified Date Specimen Type Region(s) Data Source
1391501 Atteva aurea Aug 19, 2024 Aug 19, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1391362 Microcrambus elegans Aug 15, 2024 Aug 16, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1391129 Pyromorpha dimidiata Jun 07, 2024 Aug 15, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1391109 Eusarca confusaria Jun 07, 2024 Aug 14, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1390962 Strymon melinus Aug 05, 2024 Aug 13, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1390959 Palthis angulalis Aug 02, 2024 Aug 13, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1390957 Idia americalis Aug 04, 2024 Aug 13, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1390953 Noctua pronuba Jun 21, 2024 Aug 13, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1387840 Antheraea polyphemus Jun 06, 2024 Jul 23, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1371535 Vanessa virginiensis Sep 14, 2023 Feb 03, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1371534 Vanessa virginiensis Sep 14, 2023 Feb 03, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1371533 Vanessa virginiensis Sep 14, 2023 Feb 03, 2024 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1369541 Automeris io Aug 24, 2023 Aug 27, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1367150 Papilio glaucus Aug 03, 2023 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1367041 Hemaris diffinis Aug 03, 2023 Aug 04, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1366850 Hemaris thysbe Aug 01, 2023 Aug 03, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1363851 Anisota senatoria Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1351063 Acleris viburnana May 24, 2022 Jan 09, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1351062 Geina periscelidactylus May 24, 2022 Jan 09, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1351061 Antispila isabella May 25, 2022 Jan 09, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1351004 Poanes zabulon May 23, 2022 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1351001 Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella Oct 16, 2021 Jan 07, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1350996 Coptotriche purinosella Aug 29, 2021 Jan 07, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1350995 Parornix geminatella Sep 20, 2021 Jan 07, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1345506 Acharia stimulea Sep 28, 2022 Sep 29, 2022 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1339737 Sphinx kalmiae Aug 14, 2022 Aug 17, 2022 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1336406 Papilio glaucus Jul 31, 2022 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1333247 Papilio troilus Jul 16, 2022 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1323813 Celastrina ladon May 05, 2022 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1320396 Calycopis cecrops Sep 26, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1316563 Scythris trivinctella Sep 03, 2021 Nov 16, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1316092 Caenurgina erechtea Nov 01, 2021 Nov 09, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1316045 Acrolepiopsis heppneri Oct 18, 2021 Nov 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1315645 Anagrapha falcifera Oct 31, 2021 Nov 01, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1315069 Colias eurytheme Oct 20, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1314601 Lycaena phlaeas Oct 15, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1313100 Glenoides texanaria Sep 28, 2021 Oct 16, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1312539 Duponchelia fovealis Sep 22, 2021 Sep 23, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1312176 Spoladea recurvalis Sep 18, 2021 Sep 20, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1311918 Strymon melinus Sep 16, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1311256 Cameraria guttifinitella Aug 29, 2021 Sep 10, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1310600 Coptotriche aenea Aug 29, 2021 Sep 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1310565 Atalopedes campestris Sep 05, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1310337 Ancyloxypha numitor Sep 03, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1310062 Phyllocnistis vitifoliella Aug 29, 2021 Sep 01, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1309813 Calycopis cecrops Aug 30, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1303858 Oenoe hybromella Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1303759 Polygrammodes flavidalis Jul 19, 2021 Jul 28, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1301408 Epargyreus clarus Jul 18, 2021 Aug 14, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1293811 Hyalophora cecropia Jun 07, 2021 Jun 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1293492 Campaea perlata Jun 07, 2021 Jun 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1289433 Psychomorpha epimenis Apr 28, 2021 Apr 30, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1289389 Himella fidelis Apr 28, 2021 Apr 30, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1287181 Phigalia titea Mar 23, 2021 Mar 24, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1287179 Acleris robinsoniana Mar 23, 2021 Mar 24, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1286676 Marmara salictella Mar 11, 2021 Mar 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1286346 Urbanus proteus Sep 15, 2020 Apr 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1286345 Panoquina ocola Sep 14, 2020 Apr 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1286191 Polygonia interrogationis Jun 08, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1280315 Leucania adjuta Nov 16, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1279889 Sinoe robiniella Sep 20, 2020 Jan 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1279353 Lymantria dispar Jul 27, 2020 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1279352 Amphipyra pyramidoides Jul 26, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1279349 Hypena scabra Nov 08, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1277411 Phoebis sennae Oct 11, 2020 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1276882 Chrysodeixis includens Oct 06, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1276733 Papaipema baptisiae Oct 03, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1275973 Chrysaster ostensackenella Sep 10, 2020 Jan 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1275971 Protoboarmia porcelaria Sep 13, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1275970 Lacinipolia renigera Sep 22, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1275189 Catocala relicta Sep 19, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1275051 Catocala vidua Sep 18, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1270187 Calycopis cecrops Aug 20, 2020 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1269802 Poanes zabulon Aug 10, 2020 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1269579 Papilio glaucus Aug 17, 2020 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1268862 Spilosoma virginica Aug 15, 2020 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1267514 Cercyonis pegala Jul 29, 2020 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1261567 Lophocampa caryae Jul 19, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph Newport County
Rhode Island
United States
1261423 Halysidota harrisii Jul 16, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1252970 Eudryas unio Jun 11, 2020 Feb 11, 2023 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1248732 Dyseriocrania griseocapitella May 14, 2020 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1237280 Papilio cresphontes Aug 24, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1236081 Zale lunata Jul 22, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1236080 Hemaris thysbe Aug 20, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1236077 Automeris io Jul 10, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1232692 Hemaris diffinis Sep 09, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1232543 Strymon melinus Aug 25, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1232539 Vanessa cardui Sep 09, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1230714 Cupido comyntas Aug 30, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1230183 Feltia jaculifera Aug 30, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1229811 Feltia jaculifera Aug 28, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1228501 Thorybes pylades Jun 15, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1228500 Satyrium edwardsii Jul 06, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1227781 Amblyscirtes hegon Jun 01, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1227481 Dicymolomia julianalis Aug 15, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227469 Satyrium favonius ontario Jul 07, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227467 Satyrium favonius ontario Jul 06, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1227463 Epicallima argenticinctella Jul 03, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227460 Eustixia pupula Jul 02, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227457 Polygrammate hebraeicum Jun 23, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227076 Microcrambus biguttellus Jul 10, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227072 Decantha boreasella Jul 09, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227069 Halysidota tessellaris Jul 08, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227068 Achatodes zeae Jul 07, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227067 Libytheana carinenta Aug 11, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227065 Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria Aug 10, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227063 Hypena baltimoralis Aug 06, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227061 Synchlora aerata Aug 02, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227059 Nemoria bistriaria Jul 24, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227058 Philonome clemensella Aug 15, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227057 Poanes viator Aug 11, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227055 Plutella xylostella Jul 15, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227054 Cenopis reticulatana Jul 14, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227052 Pyrausta bicoloralis Aug 15, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227050 Acronicta fallax Aug 17, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1227049 Phoebis sennae Aug 18, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1222784 Euphyes dion Aug 03, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1219789 Erynnis horatius Jul 26, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1219787 Junonia coenia Jul 26, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1219770 Papilio glaucus Jul 24, 2019 Mar 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1219769 Eudryas grata Jul 26, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1218661 Condica videns Jul 21, 2019 Jan 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1217233 Callosamia angulifera Jul 12, 2019 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1213502 Vanessa virginiensis Jul 02, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph Providence County
Rhode Island
United States
1207049 Amphion floridensis May 30, 2019 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1188368 Limenitis arthemis astyanax Aug 10, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1187684 Euchaetes egle Sep 15, 2018 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1169348 Eumorpha pandorus Jul 12, 2018 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1167442 Papilio glaucus Jul 05, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1167428 Ancyloxypha numitor Jul 05, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1167424 Satyrium favonius ontario Jul 05, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1167423 Satyrium titus Jul 05, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1165698 Satyrium calanus Jun 27, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1164957 Papilio polyxenes Jun 25, 2018 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1164954 Papilio polyxenes May 26, 2018 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1159033 Limenitis arthemis astyanax Jul 26, 2013 Feb 28, 2019 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1144811 Vanessa cardui Oct 03, 2017 Oct 16, 2017 Photograph Newport County
United States
Rhode Island
1143764 Eumorpha pandorus Sep 27, 2017 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1140636 Abaeis nicippe Sep 10, 2017 Sep 19, 2017 Photograph Washington County
United States
Rhode Island
1139937 Calycopis cecrops Aug 26, 2017 Sep 19, 2017 Photograph Bristol County
United States
Rhode Island
1139936 Papilio troilus Aug 26, 2017 Sep 20, 2017 Photograph Bristol County
United States
Rhode Island
1139934 Papilio troilus Aug 26, 2017 Sep 20, 2017 Photograph Bristol County
United States
Rhode Island
1139927 Vanessa virginiensis Aug 24, 2017 Sep 20, 2017 Photograph Bristol County
United States
Rhode Island
1139925 Vanessa cardui Aug 24, 2017 Sep 19, 2017 Photograph Bristol County
United States
Rhode Island
1139771 Parrhasius m album Sep 04, 2017 Sep 20, 2017 Photograph Newport County
Rhode Island
United States
1137564 Lycomorpha pholus Aug 26, 2017 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1137563 Battus philenor Aug 27, 2017 Sep 20, 2017 Photograph Kent County
United States
Rhode Island
1135722 Harrisimemna trisignata Aug 14, 2017 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1133527 Pyralis farinalis Aug 11, 2017 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1132426 Libytheana carinenta Aug 06, 2017 Aug 24, 2017 Photograph Kent County
United States
Rhode Island
1132425 Limenitis archippus Aug 06, 2017 Aug 24, 2017 Photograph Kent County
United States
Rhode Island
1126376 Cucullia florea Sep 20, 2016 Jan 15, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1125102 Satyrium titus Jul 09, 2017 Jul 27, 2017 Photograph Kent County
United States
Rhode Island
1124544 Alypia octomaculata Jul 01, 2017 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1124543 Melittia cucurbitae Jul 03, 2017 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1124541 Satyrium edwardsii Jul 03, 2017 Jul 27, 2017 Photograph Washington County
United States
Rhode Island
1122548 Dryocampa rubicunda Jun 26, 2017 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1122443 Vanessa virginiensis Jun 24, 2017 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1122052 Orgyia detrita Jun 22, 2017 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1120392 Ceratomia undulosa Jun 14, 2017 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1120347 Vanessa virginiensis Jun 14, 2017 Jun 24, 2017 Photograph Providence County
United States
Rhode Island
1119886 Junonia coenia Jun 11, 2017 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1118365 Malacosoma disstria May 30, 2017 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1117041 Malacosoma disstria May 19, 2017 Jan 13, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1116679 Lymantria dispar May 16, 2017 Jan 24, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1108682 Hemaris diffinis Aug 23, 2016 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1101871 Speyeria cybele Sep 11, 2016 Oct 26, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1097530 Heterocampa umbrata Aug 20, 2016 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1089618 Papilio troilus Jul 17, 2016 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1088586 Hyalophora cecropia Jul 09, 2016 Jul 12, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1087304 Papilio glaucus Jun 01, 2016 Dec 26, 2017 Photograph Providence County
United States
Rhode Island
1082994 Calycopis cecrops Sep 20, 2015 Jun 03, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1082993 Calycopis cecrops May 31, 2016 Jun 03, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1081295 Hesperia metea May 14, 2016 May 20, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1080343 Papilio canadensis Apr 24, 2016 May 20, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1079619 Psychomorpha epimenis Apr 23, 2016 Nov 14, 2017 Photograph Providence County
Rhode Island
United States
1077315 Ancylis comptana Jul 23, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077325 Cydia latiferreana Jun 16, 2015 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077327 Notocelia rosaecolana Jun 16, 2015 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077322 Phaneta ochroterminana Aug 25, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077321 Eucosma ornatula Aug 18, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077319 Pelochrista derelicta Aug 18, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077320 Epiblema scudderiana Jul 07, 2014 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077323 Pelochrista cataclystiana Aug 07, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077318 Epinotia lindana Jun 19, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077324 Epiblema desertana Jun 19, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077317 Epiblema desertana Jun 18, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077316 Epinotia lindana Jul 18, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077313 Notocelia rosaecolana Jun 06, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077314 Psorosina hammondi Aug 17, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077247 Sciota uvinella Aug 13, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077246 Vitula serratilineella Aug 27, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077244 Sciota subfuscella Aug 13, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077245 Vitula serratilineella Aug 13, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077242 Salebriaria roseopunctella Jul 07, 2015 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077243 Canarsia ulmiarrosorella Jun 07, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077241 Canarsia ulmiarrosorella Jul 23, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077237 Nycteola metaspilella Jun 06, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077239 Metarranthis indeclinata Jun 17, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077238 Macaria sexmaculata Jul 22, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077236 Metarranthis duaria Jun 17, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077234 Metarranthis duaria Jun 17, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1077235 Schinia gracilenta Aug 10, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076896 Acrobasis tumidulella Jul 05, 2015 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076895 Acrobasis angusella Aug 31, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076893 Acrobasis comptoniella Jul 24, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076892 Pima albiplagiatella Jun 07, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076890 Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis Jul 15, 2015 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076891 Glyphidocera septentrionella Jul 15, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076888 Tacparia zalissaria Jun 07, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076889 Tacparia zalissaria May 29, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1076887 Rupela tinctella Jul 15, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075902 Vanessa atalanta Aug 17, 2014 Mar 12, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Bristol County
1075388 Malacosoma disstria Jun 25, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075386 Malacosoma americanum Jun 25, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075385 Caloptilia serotinella Sep 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075383 Promalactis suzukiella Aug 26, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075380 Antaeotricha schlaegeri May 30, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075379 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides Jun 30, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1075378 Habrosyne scripta Jul 10, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075375 Sphinx kalmiae Sep 02, 2015 Oct 27, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075373 Smerinthus jamaicensis Aug 26, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075309 Dolichomia intermedialis Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075307 Sitochroa palealis Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075305 Glyptocera consobrinella Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075304 Protoboarmia porcelaria Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075303 Dyspteris abortivaria Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075302 Oreta rosea Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075301 Acrobasis caryae Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075300 Olethreutes sericorana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075299 Ancylis comptana Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075297 Euclea delphinii Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075296 Gluphisia septentrionis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075295 Phalaenostola hanhami Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075293 Autographa precationis Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075292 Cucullia convexipennis Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075291 Pseudeustrotia carneola Aug 03, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075290 Catocala muliercula Aug 03, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075289 Catocala palaeogama Aug 03, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075288 Helicoverpa zea Aug 03, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075287 Catocala praeclara Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075286 Allagrapha aerea Aug 02, 2015 Oct 27, 2016 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075285 Datana contracta Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075177 Chytolita morbidalis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075162 Idia lubricalis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075161 Leucania pseudargyria Jul 23, 2015 Jan 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075159 Orthotaenia undulana Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075141 Platynota idaeusalis Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075140 Argyrotaenia velutinana Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075139 Aethes sexdentata Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075138 Cenopis reticulatana Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075137 Anageshna primordialis Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075136 Elophila gyralis Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075135 Urola nivalis Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075134 Acrobasis comptoniella Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075133 Pococera expandens Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075132 Lygropia rivulalis Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075116 Yponomeuta multipunctella Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075114 Gluphisia septentrionis Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075112 Loscopia velata Jul 23, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075111 Nola triquetrana Jul 23, 2015 Jan 12, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075109 Catocala palaeogama Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075108 Pyrausta signatalis Jul 27, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075094 Bucculatrix staintonella Jul 23, 2015 Jan 08, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075093 Idaea dimidiata Jul 29, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075092 Scopula limboundata Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075091 Nemoria bistriaria Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075090 Lobocleta ossularia Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075089 Melanolophia canadaria Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075088 Antepione thisoaria Aug 03, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075087 Speranza pustularia Aug 03, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075086 Lobocleta ossularia Aug 03, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075085 Ectropis crepuscularia Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075084 Rheumaptera meadii Aug 02, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075083 Iridopsis larvaria Aug 02, 2015 Jan 06, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075082 Costaconvexa centrostrigaria Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075081 Synchlora aerata Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075080 Tetracis crocallata Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075054 Olethreutes sericorana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075053 Clepsis virescana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075052 Apotomis albeolana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075051 Phaneta olivaceana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075050 Hedya ochroleucana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075049 Phtheochroa fulviplicana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 22, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075048 Strepsicrates smithiana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075047 Glyphidocera septentrionella Jul 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1075000 Aethes angustana Aug 23, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074999 Lascoria ambigualis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074997 Catocala ultronia Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074996 Renia flavipunctalis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074995 Rivula propinqualis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074994 Pelochrista cataclystiana Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074993 Lochmaeus manteo Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074992 Bleptina caradrinalis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074991 Amphipyra pyramidoides Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074990 Prochoerodes lineola Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074988 Glyphidocera septentrionella Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074987 Antaeotricha leucillana Aug 04, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074986 Chionodes mediofuscella Aug 04, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074985 Hybroma servulella Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074925 Acrolophus popeanella Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074924 Acrolophus popeanella Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074923 Eumorpha achemon Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074922 Elophila gyralis Aug 04, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074921 Acrobasis angusella Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074920 Microcrambus elegans Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074919 Elophila icciusalis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074918 Galasa nigrinodis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074917 Neargyractis slossonalis Aug 02, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074916 Rupela tinctella Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1074915 Rupela tinctella Aug 04, 2015 Jan 05, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1062714 Hyles gallii Aug 26, 2015 Nov 04, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1061698 Pyralis farinalis Aug 04, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1061697 Hypena scabra Aug 02, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1061696 Macaria bisignata Jun 29, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1061260 Enodia anthedon Jul 18, 2015 Aug 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1061258 Ennomos subsignaria Jul 05, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1061257 Patalene olyzonaria Aug 03, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1061251 Chalcoela iphitalis May 29, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1061248 Virbia aurantiaca May 29, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1061246 Trichodezia albovittata May 23, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1061207 Noctua pronuba Aug 17, 2015 Jan 04, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1060499 Wallengrenia egeremet Aug 05, 2015 Aug 17, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1054703 Polygonia interrogationis Jul 03, 2015 Jul 22, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1053114 Boloria selene Jul 08, 2015 Jul 13, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1049977 Lymantria dispar Jun 23, 2015 Oct 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1048172 Epargyreus clarus Jun 13, 2015 Jun 14, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1046807 Hyalophora cecropia Jun 05, 2015 Jun 06, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1046745 Lymantria dispar Jun 05, 2015 Oct 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1046624 Vanessa atalanta May 25, 2015 Jun 05, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1046623 Alypia octomaculata May 25, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1045325 Orthodes majuscula May 27, 2015 Jan 16, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1045187 Antepione thisoaria May 25, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1045186 Eutrapela clemataria May 24, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1044992 Leucania ursula May 24, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1044987 Achatia distincta May 12, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1044984 Morrisonia evicta May 12, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1044983 Crocigrapha normani May 12, 2015 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1044981 Dichorda iridaria May 24, 2015 Jun 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017701 Atalopedes campestris Sep 23, 2013 Jan 24, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017693 Atalopedes campestris Aug 20, 2014 Jan 24, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017692 Ancyloxypha numitor Aug 16, 2014 Jan 24, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017691 Atalopedes campestris Sep 26, 2014 Jan 24, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017690 Acronicta fallax Aug 16, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017604 Coelodasys unicornis Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017598 Hypena scabra Sep 15, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017597 Scoliopteryx libatrix Oct 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017596 Lacinipolia renigera Oct 04, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017595 Amphipyra pyramidoides Oct 14, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017593 Phlogophora periculosa Sep 26, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017592 Acronicta oblinita Sep 22, 2014 Oct 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017590 Protolampra brunneicollis Sep 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017577 Phlogophora periculosa Sep 16, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017572 Tricholita signata Sep 16, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017570 Coelodasys unicornis Jul 29, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1017234 Atalopedes campestris Sep 07, 2014 Sep 29, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1017233 Idia lubricalis Jul 08, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1017232 Galasa nigrinodis Jul 08, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1016812 Campaea perlata Sep 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1016801 Feltia jaculifera Sep 16, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1016798 Danaus plexippus Sep 23, 2014 Sep 29, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1016792 Atteva aurea Sep 24, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1005844 Papilio polyxenes Sep 06, 2014 Sep 22, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1005637 Danaus plexippus Sep 03, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1005241 Herpetogramma thestealis Aug 27, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1005239 Cycnia tenera Aug 27, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1005237 Apantesis phalerata Aug 27, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1005235 Biston betularia Aug 27, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1005234 Schinia nundina Aug 27, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1004044 Celastrina neglecta Aug 12, 2014 Sep 03, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
1004033 Lymantria dispar Aug 03, 2014 Jan 28, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1004020 Calycopis cecrops Aug 31, 2014 Aug 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1002632 Limenitis arthemis astyanax Aug 17, 2014 Aug 22, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1002631 Acronicta oblinita Aug 16, 2014 Oct 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1002628 Poanes zabulon Aug 22, 2014 Aug 23, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1002626 Poanes zabulon Aug 22, 2014 Aug 23, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1002073 Sphinx chersis Aug 19, 2014 Jan 07, 2021 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
1000428 Poanes zabulon Aug 11, 2014 Aug 11, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1000424 Coenonympha tullia Aug 11, 2014 Aug 17, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1000330 Vanessa atalanta Aug 09, 2014 Aug 17, 2014 Photograph Newport County
United States
Rhode Island
1000327 Polites themistocles Aug 09, 2014 Aug 11, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1000325 Poanes zabulon Aug 09, 2014 Aug 11, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1000324 Calycopis cecrops Aug 08, 2014 Aug 11, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
1000323 Calycopis cecrops Aug 09, 2014 Aug 11, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
1000233 Atalopedes campestris Aug 07, 2014 Aug 11, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
1000031 Hemaris diffinis Aug 08, 2014 Jan 30, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999512 Antheraea polyphemus Jul 31, 2014 Aug 09, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
999494 Yponomeuta multipunctella Jul 20, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999493 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides Jul 17, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999491 Palpita magniferalis Jul 17, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999490 Arta statalis Jul 17, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999489 Vanessa atalanta Jul 17, 2014 Aug 09, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999486 Saucrobotys futilalis Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999485 Prochoerodes lineola Jul 12, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999483 Galasa nigrinodis Jul 12, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999482 Parapediasia teterrella Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999481 Parapediasia teterrella Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999480 Parapediasia teterrella Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999478 Halysidota sp. Jul 11, 2014 Oct 22, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999477 Glyphidocera septentrionella Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999476 Lacanobia subjuncta Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999479 Crambus agitatellus Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999475 Epipaschia superatalis Jul 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
999355 Catocala innubens Aug 04, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
999354 Trichodezia albovittata Aug 04, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Newport County
996831 Dichomeris flavocostella Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996830 Euchlaena johnsonaria Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996829 Hypsopygia olinalis Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996828 Atteva aurea Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996827 Caenurgina erechtea Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996826 Bleptina caradrinalis Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996825 Phosphila miselioides Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996741 Limenitis arthemis Aug 04, 2014 Aug 06, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996739 Hemaris thysbe Aug 04, 2014 Aug 07, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996619 Rupela tinctella Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996618 Bleptina caradrinalis Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996617 Prochoerodes lineola Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996616 Zale horrida Jul 10, 2014 Aug 07, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996615 Paectes oculatrix Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996614 Lacinipolia renigera Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996613 Halysidota sp. Jul 10, 2014 Sep 23, 2022 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996612 Pleuroprucha insulsaria Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996610 Herpetogramma aeglealis Jul 10, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996609 Eulithis sp. Jul 10, 2014 Sep 23, 2022 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996608 Herpetogramma aeglealis Jul 09, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996607 Bleptina caradrinalis Jul 09, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996606 Epipaschia superatalis Jul 09, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996603 Euclea delphinii Jul 09, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996602 Hypercompe scribonia Jul 08, 2014 Aug 05, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996600 Cydia toreuta Jul 08, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996599 Lacanobia grandis Jul 07, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996598 Euchlaena johnsonaria Jul 07, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996596 Cerma cerintha Jul 07, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996284 Halysidota sp. Aug 01, 2014 Aug 07, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996283 Nematocampa resistaria Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996282 Hypsopygia olinalis Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996280 Rheumaptera meadii Aug 01, 2014 Aug 07, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996278 Herpetogramma aeglealis Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996277 Pyrausta bicoloralis Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996276 Antepione thisoaria Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996274 Paonias myops Aug 01, 2014 Jan 28, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996269 Acronicta hasta Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996266 Biston betularia Aug 01, 2014 Jul 21, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996265 Emmelina monodactyla Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996263 Iridopsis larvaria Aug 01, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996262 Zale horrida Aug 01, 2014 Aug 07, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996256 Eulithis sp. Aug 01, 2014 Feb 17, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996116 Besma quercivoraria Aug 01, 2014 Aug 15, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
996033 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides Jul 02, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996031 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides Jul 02, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996030 Pasiphila rectangulata Jun 24, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996028 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides Jul 11, 2014 Jul 21, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996026 Datana sp. Jul 11, 2014 Aug 07, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996025 Lochmaeus manteo Jul 29, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996024 Pleuroprucha insulsaria Jul 29, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996022 Herpetogramma pertextalis Jul 29, 2014 Jul 21, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996019 Euplexia benesimilis Jul 29, 2014 Jul 21, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996018 Orgyia leucostigma Jul 29, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996016 Acronicta laetifica Jul 29, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
996015 Eudryas grata Jul 29, 2014 Feb 17, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995955 Automeris io Jul 07, 2014 Aug 06, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995953 Idia lubricalis Jul 07, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995952 Lithacodes fasciola Jul 07, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995951 Epiblema scudderiana Jul 07, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995950 Euclea delphinii Jul 06, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995948 Desmia funeralis/maculalis Jul 06, 2014 Oct 24, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995946 Epipaschia superatalis Jul 06, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995944 Lacinipolia renigera Jul 06, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995943 Macalla zelleri Jul 06, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995942 Lithacodes fasciola Jul 06, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995923 Automeris io Jul 05, 2014 Aug 06, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995921 Malacosoma americanum Jun 29, 2014 Feb 17, 2015 Photograph Washington (Block Island) County
Rhode Island
United States
995920 Tetracis crocallata Jun 28, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995919 Heterocampa biundata Jun 28, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995713 Lacinipolia renigera Jun 28, 2014 Jul 21, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995712 Eusarca confusaria Jun 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995711 Acronicta americana Jun 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995626 Vanessa virginiensis Jul 30, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995623 Danaus plexippus Jul 30, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995618 Papilio glaucus Jul 30, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995567 Lacanobia grandis Jun 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995349 Apantesis phalerata Jun 21, 2014 Jan 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995347 Lacinipolia renigera Jun 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
995342 Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Jul 29, 2014 Oct 23, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994663 Polites themistocles Jun 14, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
994662 Erynnis baptisiae Jun 14, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
994650 Calycopis cecrops Jun 14, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Kent County
994644 Speyeria cybele Jul 06, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington County
994640 Papilio troilus Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994639 Speyeria cybele Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994636 Epargyreus clarus Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994635 Anatrytone logan Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994634 Wallengrenia egeremet Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994633 Wallengrenia egeremet Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph Providence County
United States
Rhode Island
994632 Satyrium liparops Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994631 Parrhasius m album Jul 25, 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Providence County
994512 Phosphila miselioides Jun 21, 2014 Oct 11, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
994511 Oreta rosea Jun 21, 2014 Jul 21, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
994507 Eudryas grata Jun 21, 2014 Feb 17, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
994505 Pyrrharctia isabella Jun 21, 2014 Jan 20, 2015 Photograph United States
Rhode Island
Washington (Block Island) County
